All in Thought Styles

On BEE-coming a Polymath

"The secret to teaching kids to be polymaths comes from 4 things: train the body by doing sports, the creative mind thought art, scientific thinking through logic and problem solving and finally learn languages! This creates a very strong Neural-network in the brain that can be used for anything" --Hadear Marzooque


A Polymath is a person whose expertise spans multiple disciplines at the level of mastery.  They have an intense curiosity about many things just like a scanner does.  However, they typically act on connecting the disciplines in multiple ways throughout their lives.  They see the patterns across disciplines and use them to match an idea to a previously known idea.


A specialist or monomath knows a lot about a single discipline or practice. And they know this to the exclusion of other things. They devote their lives to collecting information that fits neatly into one category alone and operating in that manner in all facets of their lives