White Matter Matters to Polymathic Ability. This hypothesis is that the structural integrity (the shape and density) of white matter in our brains matters and is one of the foundational biological enablers of polymathic abilities.
Welcome to Cosmic Teamwork.
I document my observations and tips about team formation - cosmic style.
Hope you have a nice visit!
All in Polymaths
White Matter Matters to Polymathic Ability. This hypothesis is that the structural integrity (the shape and density) of white matter in our brains matters and is one of the foundational biological enablers of polymathic abilities.
Life patterns for prolific, polymathic people vary from those for deep specialists. Learn about the four basic patterns that can help you achieve your multiple dreams.
Could it be that people with a polymathic “thought-style” could have a brain that possesses highly efficient circuits to combine memory, plus they have a really efficient habit-loop formation mechanism?
You are looking for a Polymath But remembering the one-way mirror. If you aren’t one, you might not be able to see one. Here are some tips.
"The secret to teaching kids to be polymaths comes from 4 things: train the body by doing sports, the creative mind thought art, scientific thinking through logic and problem solving and finally learn languages! This creates a very strong Neural-network in the brain that can be used for anything" --Hadear Marzooque
So how do you build a functional team in a VUCA environment situation? First, pick your team leadership and associated process. Second, pick your specialists carefully to match your team leadership to avoid gaps.